EAST follows a day in the life of three teenagers from East Helena, Montana, in a story about a sense of place, hard times, and the bonds of friendship. The film was written and filmed over the course of just four days in 2019, with a crew of young artists, many of whom had never operated camera, audio equipment, or acted. The results are an amazing testament to their talent and commitment.
The film was made possible by the generous support of the Greater Montana Foundation and ArtPlace America. Other supporters include the East Helena Food/Culture Hub, the Treacy Foundation, and the Browning Kimball Foundation.
EAST is the result of a collaboration between the MAPS Media Institute and The Myrna Loy in Helena, Montana. The film project is part of a program run by The Myrna Loy called the East Helena Food/Culture Hub, which celebrates East Helena’s unique identity through food, music, and storytelling.